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For several years, the choir has been asked to sing at the Mardi Gras festival on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.  This year's pic shows the group, along with a couple of friends.

On Saturday, March 3rd, the group was invited to sing a favorite song of this year's Citizen of the Year award winner.  Dale, far right, was surprised when he found out he was that winner.  Congratulations to our director and Caro's Citizen of the Year - Dale Perz!

The Good Friday service featured Irv, Bill, Dale, and Dan B singing the intercessions  Thanks to the Learmans for the picture.

Easter morning, 2018, starting out with (what else?) The Angels Rolled the Stone Away!  Thanks to Rebecca Epskamp for the photo.

The Angels Rolled the Stone Awau - SHMC

With Dennis Anderson as our Master of Ceremonies, our fundraising concert for the St. Christopher Parish food pantry had many super artists.  In the finale, right, all the performers combined to sing and play "How Great Thou Art."  With generous donations from the community, more than $10,000 was raised.  See the next page for more concert pictures.

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